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High-volume projects

An organisation can unexpectedly be faced with a considerable need for additional resources. Such a need can be caused by changes in the market environment, peaks in orders received, changes in customer behaviour or various exceptional situations. Over the long term, a considerable need for additional resources may also arise from business development: the establishment of a new production plant, investments in product development or international expansion.

StaffPoint provides staffing services for situations in which a large number of professionals must be found quickly. We have experience in resourcing for a bankrupt chain of stores during the ramp-down of its operations, for example. We have also helped customers with staffing for new shifts for new production lines. We have helped organisations in various sectors with high-volume needs related to opening new commercial facilities.

No matter whether the need is related to a new production plant or store, a sufficient number of professionals can be ensured through high-volume staffing. A high-volume project enables the customer organisation to familiarise the employees with the work. Those agency workers who turn out to be key players can be later hired on a more permanent basis.