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StaffPoint's and EK's Security Through Work Project was chosen as the Recruitment Act of the Year at RekryGaala!

The Security Through Work Project, which promotes the employment of Ukrainian refugees and other international talent in Finland , won the "Recruitment Action of the Year" category at the Recruitment Event held on November 3, 2022. The award-winning recruitment act brings security to those who fled the war and builds an equal working life. The project has already helped hundreds of Ukrainian refugees find employment in Finland. The Rekrygaala jury appreciated the social relevance of the act and how it brought together actors from the public, private and third sectors.
In March 2022, the StaffPoint Group, in cooperation with the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK), launched the Security Through Work Project which aims to employ Ukrainians who have fled the war to StaffPoint's partner companies while also enhancing the employment of foreign experts already located in Finland.
"This is a recognition of cooperation! Working life can be positively impacted by individuals, communities and companies. It is our responsibility to enter society and strive to create multiple employment opportunities together. I also want to thank all the value-driven companies that opened their doors to Ukrainians. We have changed the world together," rejoices the leader of the Security Through Work Project, Jenny von Knorring.
Coordinated efforts channeled the business world's desire to help into common good
The crisis in Ukraine brought forth an immense desire to help, and more than 80 companies from different fields of work joined the project, offering low-threshold jobs to Ukrainians. For the first four months of the project, StaffPoint offered its recruitment expertise on a pro bono basis. The goal was to employ 200–400 Ukrainian and other international experts. In November 2022 , the number of employed Ukrainians and other international talents is already close to 500 and the StaffPoint continues its efforts to help find employment for many more
StaffPoint supports partner companies throughout the whole recruitment cycle and helps companies internationalize within the borders of Finland. A large part of the effects of the Security Through Work Project can be seen precisely in the changed attitudes on the employer’s side.
’’We want to thank all the companies that joined the project and have offered jobs to Ukrainians and other international talents. The StaffPoint team has a strong desire to help and make it easier for Ukrainians to settle in Finland. One part of integration is work, which creates security and helps to build the future’’, praises StaffPoint CEO and founder of the project, Anu Ahokas.
Employing Ukrainians is a collaboration between different actors in society
Employing Ukrainians requires coordinated cooperation between different actors in society. StaffPoint has been one of the first business representatives in a network where several representatives of the society and state authorities, such as Migri, ELY, AVI and TEM, have gathered to discuss and share current information to help solve the issues of immigration and employment of Ukrainians.
More information:
Head of International Services, Jenny von Knorring
RekryGaala announcement (in Finnish)